Collibrium Technologies

Excellence through Collaboration.


Professional Development

We offer a variety of courses and workshops for business and IT managers, senior technical staff, and application developers. Our instructors are seasoned industry professionals and are accomplished teachers. Our offerings have global reach. We offer the same courses in three different modes. Our clients decide which mode suits them best.

· Some of our clients choose to have us come to their site.

· For some it works better to join our pre-scheduled classes around the globe,

· Others decide to join the classes from the comfort of their homes or work places.

Regardless of the mode of delivery, attendees in all our courses interact with live instructors in real time, and our instructors and the course materials stay the same. The key factor that distinguishes us from other training organizations is what we call One-on-One Hands-On™.


One-on-One Hands-On:

Whenever and from wherever our clients have the freedom to call for a One-on-One Hands-On™ session to assist them with exercises and case studies. From the convenience of their homes or work places our clients interact One-on-One with our experienced staff in real time and get Hands-On assistance.

See how it works. You can request a One-on-One Hands-On trial session right now. It is free.

· You can call the toll free 1-800-Collibrium to convey your request, Or

· You can send your request for a trial session by following this link..


Within minutes you will receive a call back from one our staff with expertise in the topic of your interest. Follow the link below to see what technical resources (computer, software, connectivity, etc.) are needed to carry out a satisfactory One-one-One Hands-On session.

Workshops for

business and it managers

If your organization hasn't yet taken steps to introduce Agile techniques in your software development life cycles, our workshops can give you a ump start on your quest for agility. Or, if your organization has been flirting with Agile techniques and you feel it is now time to integrate agility in your development life cycle, our workshops can assist you in formalizing your methodology. Our workshops can also help you in learning the doe's, the don'ts, and the best practices of agility.

Sponsors, business owners, IT managers, or senior technical staff, can all benefit from our workshops. All workshops are conducted by seasoned agile practitioners and authors. We can customize the workshops to your particular needs.


Enterprise Architecture:

· Developing and Enterprise Architecture

· Business Application Planning


Agility in Applications Development:

· Agile Software Development for Managers

· Extreme Programming (XP) for Managers


General Topics:

· Structuring Software Requirements with Use Cases

· Object Oriented Analysis and Design: UML2

· Application Architecture Frameworks

· Service Oriented Architecture



Workshops and courses for

Technical staff

Enterprise Architecture:

· Enterprise and Service Oriented Architecture


Agility in Applications Development:

· Agile Software Development for Developers

· Extreme Programming (XP) for Developers


General Topics:

· Structuring Software Requirements with Use Cases

· Object Oriented Analysis and Design: UML2

· Application Architecture Frameworks

· Service Oriented Architecture

· Design Patterns and Frameworks

Courses for

Application developers

Application Development


· Object Oriented Programming—I

· Object Oriented Programming—II

· Distributed Objects (RMI, CORBA, EJB, Web Services)

· Web Applications Development (Servlet, JSP/JSF, Struts, Tomcat/JBoss)

· Enterprise Application Development (EJB, J2EE)

· Web Services Programming (JWSDP, JBoss)

· XML—Programming with Core Specifications (SAX, DOM, XPath, XSL, WXML, …. )

· Assembly Language Programming

· Pascal Programming

· FORTRAN Programming