Collibrium Technologies

Excellence through Collaboration.


· We work with our clients to streamline their application planning and development.

· We provide advisement and customized training on a wide range of industry standards and technologies.

· We provide open source solutions. 

At Collibrium we combine our technical and business expertise with our collaborative values, principles, and practices. Our claim to effective and profitable collaboration with our clients goes far deeper than our experience with diverse project teams in a variety of industries. Collibrium is founded on the principle of delivering excellence through collaboration. Our collaboration practices are guided by our Task and Technology Interaction (TTI) model of group work. The TTI is a of theoretically sound socio-technical model of group work. We use TTI to create winning teams.


Businesses want more from IT. They want the software to be delivered faster and cheaper. The troubling fact is that often times IT managers know they can do better—they have the resources and the talent to do better, but feel constrained because their operations do not have the agility to respond quickly. Agility demands efficient use of existing assets. However, in many organizations the technology architecture and the work processes do not allow the reuse of existing capabilities and services. The capabilities which could be leveraged to add new functionality quickly are often hidden in legacy applications requiring much complicated integration or redundant development. It is the type of predicament that can easily drag the projects into time and budget overruns.

No wonder IT industry is notorious for high project failure rates. The Standish Group (2003) reports astonishing figures (reviewing 13,522 projects): 66% of all projects fail to meet the time, budget, and feature requirements; 82% of the projects experience time overruns; and 48% of projects do not have the required features on the project release.

The answer to the above problems lies in streaming the IT asset planning and development. We work with our clients to develop a combination of strategic and tactical solutions. Our approach focuses on:

· enterprise architecture,

· software methodology,

· project management, and

· technical safeguards.

We use a proven and theoretically sound approach...


The efforts into mitigating the risks and hence improving the way software is developed often result in changes to  the business application planning process (i.e, EA Governance) , the software methodology, the project management practices, or the artifacts built during the development, etc. In essence, the changes often call for new technology (tools, techniques, and methods) for supporting various aspects of application development. We use our proven and theoretically sound Task and Technology Interaction (TTI) model for working with our clients and streamlining their application planning and development.



Streamlining the application planning and development

Development of professional staff is the key to higher levels of achievement, job satisfaction, and employee retention. Fast developments in technology necessitate continued training. Our professional development offerings complement our application streamlining services.

Our training program focuses on the following stake holders:

· Business and IT Managers,

· Senior Technical Staff, and

· Applications Developers


We offer technologically advanced modes of instruction.


Our instructors are battle hardened industry professionals and accomplished teachers. Our course ware is developed using state of the art multimedia technologies and is based on sound pedagogical principles. We offer our courses in three different modes: prescheduled off-site face-to-face, on-demand on-site face-to-face, distributed non-face-to-face with live interaction among the students and the instructors.

Our most distinctive offering is what we call One-on-One Hands-On™. From the freedom of their homes and work places our clients have the option to call for One-on-One Hands-On sessions with our staff. The sessions are conducted remotely and can be arranged any time of the day or night. If needed the staff can take remotely take control of student's machine for hands-on assistance with course exercises and case problems,


Professional development

Today, one can build industrial strength enterprise applications without using proprietary commercial software and without having to pay for licensing it.

Free, yes it is, but only in terms of the license cost. There are many other costs that must be considered. Besides the lack of quality documentation, the open source continues to suffer from the lack of post acquisition, deployment, and production support. A blessing in disguise is the large variety of open source tools and the APIs available on the Internet.  For any single purpose there are more choices than one can imagine. Determining what is best for a given application can get complicated.


We focus on open industry standards.

Open source solutions